Welcome to pyapi-gitlab’s documentation!

pyapi-gitlab is a wrapper to access all the functions of Gitlab from our python scripts.

How to use it

There are several optional parameters in a lot of the commands, you should check the command documentation or the command string, for example adding an user accepts up to 7 extra parameters.

First we import our library:

import gitlab

Then we need to authenticate to our Gitlab instance. There is 2 ways of doing this.

Authenticating via user/password

First create the instance passing the gitlab server as parameter:

git = gitlab.Gitlab("our_gitlab_host")

Then call the login() method:

git.login("user", "password")

That’s it, now your gitlab instance is using the private token in all the calls. You can see it in the token variable

Authenticating via private_token

You can also authenticate via the private_token that you can get from your gitlab profile and it’s easier than using user/password

Just call the instance with the parameter token:

git = gitlab.Gitlab("our_gitlab_host", token="mytoken")


There are several functions to manage users

Create user:

git.createuser("name", "username", "password", "email")

Delete user:


Edit user details:


Get all the users:

print git.getusers()

Get the current user:

print git.currentuser()

Get the user SSH keys:

for key in git.getsshkeys():
    print key

Get one key for the current user, specified by the key ID:

print git.getsshkey(key_id)

Add a new SSH key:

git.addsshkey("key name", "actual key")

Add a new SSH key for a specified user, identified by ID:

addsshkeyuser(user_id, "key name", "actual key")

Delete a SSH key for the current user:



Get all the projects:

project = git.getprojects()
for proj in project:
    print proj

Get one project, identified by ID:


Get project events:


Create a new project

If you are using version 6 you can pass an extra “public” argument which makes the project public.

Please note that Gitlab 5 doesn’t have this option and using it will probably end in a failure while creating the project:

git.createproject(name, description="", default_branch="",
                   issues_enabled=0, wall_enabled=0,
                   merge_requests_enabled=0, wiki_enabled=0,
                   snippets_enabled=0, public=0)

List project members:


Add a member to a project, access_level can be master,developer,reporter or guest:

git.addprojectmember(project_id, member_id, access_level)

Edit a project member, access_level can be master,developer,reporter or guest:

git.editprojectmember(id_, user_id, access_level)

Delete a member from a project:

git.deleteprojectmember(project_id, member_id)

Get the project Readme, you have to pass the web_url that getproject() provides:


Move a project:

git.moveproject(groupID, projectID)


Get all the hooks:


Get one hook, identified by ID:

git.getprojecthook(project_id, hook_id)

Edit one hook:

git.editprojecthook(id_, hook_id, url)

Add a hook to a project:

git.addprojecthook(project_id, url_hook)

Delete a hook from a project:

git.deleteprojecthook(project_id, hook_id)


Get all the branches for a project:


Get a specific branch for a project:

git.listbranch(1, "master")

Protect a branch:

git.protectbranch(1, "master")

Unprotect a branch:

git.unprotectbranch(1, "master")

Create a relation between two projects (The usual “forked from xxxxx”):

git.createforkrelation(1, 3)

Remove fork relation:



Get all the issues:


Get a project issues:


Get a specified issue from a project:


Create an issue:

git.createissue(1, "pedsdfdwsdne")

Edit an issue, you can pass state_event=”closed” to close it:

git.editissue(1,1, title="Changing title")


Get all the milestones:


Get a specific milestone from a project:


Create a new milestone:

git.createmilestone(1,"New milestone")

Edit a milestone, you can pass state_event=”closed” to close it:

git.editmilestone(1,1,title="Change milestone title")

Deploy Keys

Get all the deployed keys for a project:


Get one key for a project:

git.listdeploykey(id_, key_id)

Add a key to a project:

git.adddeploykey(id_, title, key)

Delete a key from a project:

git.deletedeploykey(id_, key_id)


Create a group:

def creategroup(self, name, path):

Get a group. If none are specified returns all the groups:

def getgroups(self, id_=None):

Merge support

Get all the merge requests for a project:

git.getmergerequests(projectID, page=None, per_page=None)

Get information about a specific merge request:

git.getmergerequest(projectID, mergeRequestID)

Create a new merge request:

git.reateMergeRequest(projectID, sourceBranch, targetBranch, title, assigneeID=None)

Update an existing merge request:

git.updatemergerequest(projectID, mergeRequestID, sourceBranch=None, targetBranch=None, title=None, assigneeID=None, closed=None)

Add a comment to a merge request:

git.addcommenttomergerequest(projectID, mergeRequestID, note)
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